
Book Cover Illustration

This was shot for my commercial photography class. The assignment was to create a book cover illustration for the cover of "Us and Them:A History of Intolerance in America" by Jim Carnes. "This is a story of some Americans who were hated by others simply for who they were, what they looked like or what they believed. Their experiences remind us that our democracy is still a work in progress." I shot this in the studio using a broncolor powerpack and a soft box attached to a broncolor. I used a canon 5D.


Dave said...

This is a great portrait and could clearly illustrate struggle in America. The lighting is very dramatic.

Jonathan E. Andrews said...

This is a very nice portrait. Between this week and last, I'd say people are your strong point. I like the expression you've captured here. It is part defiant, but she also looks a little forlorn.

Ashley Garner said...

Other than the fact that your model is gorgeous, you did a great job with this. The lighting is very dramatic which matches the mood perfectly.

Len Thomas Photography said...

I feel that this is a very powerful illustration and very indicative of the feelings many high school students encompass

Alexa's Photography said...

tara, good work on this one. I like how the underexposure gives the photo a dark edge. I think it illustrates very well.